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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

TFN poll: should vaccinations be compulsory?

This poll is almost 4 years old

Attempts to vaccinate the population against Covid-19 could be put in jeopardy – because of the widespread presence of anti-vaccination ideas.

There was consternation recently following the publication of a study which said that only half of the population of the UK would definitely accept the vaccination when – or if – it becomes available.

Vaccination is seen as possibly the only way for society to get back to pre-Covid ways of living – but progress could be hampered by the widespread and stubborn belief in anti-scientific ideas, expressed mainly through social media by advocates of the so-called anti-vax movement.

The King’s College London and Ipsos Mori research showed that only 53% of a test group they would be certain or very likely to allow themselves to be given a vaccine against the disease if one becomes available.

Opposition to vaccination was high among those who expressed anti-scientific feelings, believed conspiracy theories, downplayed the severity of the Covid pandemic, refused to take steps like wearing face masks and who got their information from social media.

It was also more prevalent among younger age groups.

The findings caused consternation among scientists as a low voluntary uptake of a vaccination would have a huge negative impact on attempts to end the pandemic. Vaccine scepticism has also had impacts in other areas – for example in the growth of measles.

Prof Bobby Duffy, director of King’s College London’s Policy Institute, said: “Misperceptions about vaccines are among our most directly damaging beliefs, and they’re clearly influencing people’s intentions during the coronavirus crisis.”

This is why we are asking: should vaccinations be compulsory?

Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment below.

Should vaccinations be compulsory?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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almost 4 years ago
As the vaccine is being made quicker than usual and we don't know the full-side effects, plus respecting bodily autonomy, it can't be mandatory nor should it be.Happy for people to volunteer and go ahead with it, but I would feel very uncomfortable basically being a guinea pig in some sense with this vaccine.As background - I do support vaccines and am not a conspiracy theorist in any sense, just cautious about unknown injections.
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Annie D.
almost 4 years ago
Making any medical procedure compulsory is both legally and ethically flawed. Compliance should be achieved through information, education and support as with all vaccine programmes. Then the individual must choose.
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over 3 years ago
These covid ‘vaccines’ aren’t even vaccines. They’re mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines which is a technology never before used on humans. These are genetic vaccines! Vaccines on average take 7 years to develop. The fastest we’ve ever developed a vaccine has been in 5 years with Ebola. So using a brand new technology and developing a vaccine in months, then mandating it on everyone, is insanity!!! Due to the nature of these vaccines, If mandated, expect cancer and autoimmune and infertility to hit the roof in the next decade. I’ll live in the woods before I take this vaccine.
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Ian Davidson
almost 4 years ago
Entirely hypothetical and irrelevant question as: a. UK and Scot Gov consistently unable to deliver on time effective flu vaccination to everybody who would be willing to get one (my wife and I go to the chemist, pay for it as it is much less hassle than queuing outside the local GP surgery for the (only) two sessions provided in a village of 6K population; b. Flu vac uptake by NHS staff is usually only around 40-50% which begs so many questions; c. As stated by others, unless you can guarantee 100% effectiveness and safety, compulsion is unethical & govt would then have to accept liability for paying any compensation to those damaged; d. Compulsion would add fuel to the fire of anti-vac conspiracy theorists - education and example far better; e. As with any of the CV 19 measures, it is not necessary or realistic to expect 100% compliance in order to provide general effectiveness. So, ditch the question and focus on: 1. Getting a safe and effective vac developed; 2. Ensuring it can be effectively, safely and equitably delivered; 3. Education, education and more health education; 4. Evaluate; only then is your question actually relevant!
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almost 4 years ago
Assuming that this applied to the majority of the population but not to anyone who had a valid medical exemption, yes.
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Stuart Callison
over 3 years ago
People realise that unless uptake is 90% or so, vaccines don't work right? It's not about personal "freedom" to be ignorant. If as suggested only half of UK citizens will take, then we might as well stop wasting money on developing a vaccine.
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